martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012


Salvo muy raras excepciones…
al mundo venimos con todo lo necesario…
para vivir y ser felices…
¡Como los animales!

¿Son  ellos infelices?
Viven el ahora…
Y de inmediato afrontan lo que se les presente.
De preocupaciones  y deberes
¡carecen totalmente!

Absolutamente conscientes…
siempre están despiertos.
A la inversa del hombre
¡que vive soñando!

Al hombre…
además de los tesoros  que arriba mencionamos
Junto con nuestro cuerpo nos dieron la mente y el ego…
pero para  ellos existir…
¡es de vital importancia!
bloquearnos el caminos a nuestro CENTRO, a nuestro SER

Ellos son la fuente…
de nuestros malestares, de nuestras preocupaciones…
de nuestras ambiciones y frustraciones.

A nuestro SER llegar
solo en meditación podremos.

Consiste ella simplemente …
en vivir  el presente
¡absolutamente conscientes!

Vivir en meditación permanente…
es lo que logran los místicos.

Pero para ello es imprescindible
¡amarse a uno mismo!

Y eso significa…
estar consciente de que no soy nadie
de que el "me" no existe.
de que solo soy amor.
De que las cosas "suceden"…
de que no soy quien las hago.

al ego lo hemos dividido en dos:
En el "ego congénito" y en el "ego  extemporáneo".

Pero antes de seguir
¿que entendemos por ego (ismo)?
Entendemos obtener de afuera,  de los demás…
De lo que nosotros carecemos.

Habitualmente cuando a él nos referimos…
en adultos lo ubicamos.

Con el ego congénito nacemos.
Es necesario para crecer…
de afuera tenemos …
 destrezas y conocimientos que aprender.

Pero finalizada la adolescencia…
 en condiciones hemos de estar…
 de realizar nosotros mismos
 ¡nuestro ciclo vital!
Y de continuar creciendo…
 con las experiencias  que vayamos adquiriendo.

Ese "ego congénito" …
Cuando se alcanza la madurez sexual…
en amor a sí mismo, en confianza en sí mismo…
se ha de transformar.
En eso consiste "madurar".

Eso es lo que la sociedad en que vivimos…
a toda costa trata de impedir
 ¡para podernos manejar!
Creando así un "ego extemporáneo"
¡que nos impide crecer!

El "ego extemporáneo"
es esencialmente agresivo;
es imposible su existencia …
cuando de los demás existe ausencia.

Para el egoísta es muy importante…
ser "mas que los demás".
Para estar seguro de obtener de ellos
a lo que él no ha logrado llegar:
al amor que necesita…
 ¡para "sentirse feliz"!

 Dinero y poder
… a amores ficticios atraen y dominan.
…¡mientras duren!

Es esta una sociedad de egoístas
¡una sociedad de inmaduros!
que no podrá perdurar.

Finalizar habremos haciendo insistencia…
 en  la importancia de la meditación.

Miguel Alejandro Römer


      The Razor's Edge, Chapter 30 
The other night, following the energy between my eyes, I went into myself, looking for “Who am I?” At a certain point I found myself immersed in great nothingness. The sensation was very strong. I couldn’t go on; I felt so afraid of this emptiness that I stopped. Osho, what is this energy that is felt between the eyes? Is it the so-called “third eye”? If this was the right way, why was I so afraid and trembling?

This is the right way. That’s why you became so afraid, because the right way means a certain death, the death of your ego, the death of your personality as you have known it, and the beginning and the birth of your essential self. But the death comes first, hence the fear and trembling. The resurrection comes later.

You have been in a very beautiful space. This is the third eye that in the East has been talked about for at least ten thousand years. It is only symbolic. You have two eyes to see the world of duality – the day and night, the beautiful and the ugly, the true and the false. The whole world consists of dualities. The third eye is a poetic and symbolic expression that your two eyes have become one, that all duality has disappeared.

For the outside world two eyes are needed, for the inside world only a single clear vision – because inside there is no duality, there is only oneness.

Your question is, “The other night, following the energy between my eyes, I went into myself looking for ‘Who am I?’ At a certain point I found myself immersed in great nothingness.” These are the spaces if you go inside. But this nothingness is not negative; just a little more acquaintance with it and you will be surprised: it appeared as nothingness because there was nothing that you have ever known before or even dreamt before. But once you become acquainted with the nothingness you start feeling an immense fulfillment, an overflowing energy. This nothingness is the beginning of fullness and wholeness.

“The sensation,” you say, “was very strong. I couldn’t go on; I felt so afraid of this emptiness that I stopped.” Just be a little more intelligent.

The nothingness was surrounding you, but you were not nothing. You were witnessing it; you were separate from it. The emptiness may be surrounding you, it may be vast and may create trembling in you, but you are not it; otherwise who will become afraid and who will stop going forward? Who will turn back?

Your being is totally separate from the nothingness and emptiness that you have felt. If you had remembered only this much, “I am not it,” the fear would have disappeared. Perhaps next time, remember that you cannot be anything that you come across. You cannot come across yourself; you cannot meet yourself. So whatever you come across is separate from you. There is no need to be afraid.

But it happens to almost everybody. You are alone, surrounded by nothingness, emptiness, and a deep fear arises that perhaps you are coming close to death, because in our minds the association with nothingness and emptiness is with death. But even death is not you. You pass through it; it is a passage. And if you are alert, you can pass through without any fear. On the contrary, you can enjoy the silence, the peace, the immensity, the infinity that is surrounding you. You are almost in an oceanic state of consciousness.

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